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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Retrosaria Beiroa

The Retrosaria Yarn keeps arriving in huge, shrink-wrapped bundles from Portugal, and we are so excited every time! The latest batch brought us this gorgeous Beiroa.
This is a light worsted weight, single-ply wool in the most stunning subtle-grey rainbow. The dark grey streaks add so much depth to this yarn, and I LOVE what they do to the base colors, especially the neon green and the red.

This yarn reminds me a bit of a yarn we used to carry form Manos del Uruguay, and I love the Destroyed Cowl I made using that yarn. 

I poked around a bit and found the Bétula shawl, written for this yarn and absolutely perfect for showing off those dark grey streaks. Bétula means birch in Portuguese, and the finished knit really does look like birch bark.
Pic borrowed from Rav pattern page.
The pattern calls for four skeins which makes a very ample shawl, but I'm noticing that many Ravelers have used three and still made a perfect thing. There is some cool short-row shaping that adds a little length to make it stay put when you wear it.

Every package we receive from Portugal has been such an inspiring treat. I can't wait to see what's in the next one!

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