Close Knit Classes

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summertime Sale: Deep Discount Table

Are you a long-time Close Knitter?  Have you been missing the huge sales that used to happen once or twice a year?  That big white table piled high with baskets full of yarn?  Well this is your week.  

We have been pulling out the yarns that need to move out of the shop to make room for the fall goodies.  We have some yarns in sweater quantities, some odd balls, some discontinued stuff...but it's all good.  Starting June 23, we will have a deep discount table (50% off) going until close on Sunday, June 29.  There will be all kinds of good stuff.  Come see what we have on the table, and help us make room for the new yarns on the way!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Portland Tweed, Road to China Light and Aslan Royal Alpaca?? I'm getting down there now!
