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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Knitting Slump: Finding Inspiration

I have found myself in a bit of a knitting slump these past few weeks. I'm sure that this is due in part to my current project, which involves miles and miles of cream-colored stockinette. While this is the perfect takealong project for car trips or waiting in line at the post office, it's not particularly exciting or inspiring.

What do I do when I feel uninspired? How do I work myself out of a knitting slump? First, I like to check out inspiring magazines and catalogs.
I collect clippings for my inspiration file and may look through the images that I've already gathered.
Nature always inspires me.
As does luscious yarn from my stash.
I might make sketches of ideas
and check out stitch dictionaries for specific stitch patterns.
I may knit up some swatches.
Then, I search Ravelry for favorite designers, friends' projects and queues and new and noteworthy designs.

Last but not least, I head over to my local yarn shop. Once I touch the fibers, check out new books and patterns and see what my fellow knitters are making, I am sure to find something that inspires me and helps me to climb out of my knitting slump.

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